Elk Meadow Elementary students discover art in the field with local artist, Paul Bennett!

Elk Meadow Elementary students discover art in the field with local artist, Paul Bennett!
Elk Meadow Elementary students create art by the river with Paul Bennett

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Field day with Bend High!

Tomorrow is the big day! Bend High students will be joined by Deschutes National Forest Service specialists, the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council, and The Freshwater Trust as they learn about the history, geology, wildlife, and ecology at Ryan Meadow.

Starting on October 18th, students from REALMS will also begin to explore the wonders of Ryan Meadow. Middle school students will get their hands dirty as they dig into the details of forest ecology to explore how ecosystems work!

1 comment:

  1. Kolleen- Great blog and equally great work. Your energy is the single most amazing piece of our educational arm of UDWC. Keep up the outstanding work!!!
