Elk Meadow Elementary students discover art in the field with local artist, Paul Bennett!

Elk Meadow Elementary students discover art in the field with local artist, Paul Bennett!
Elk Meadow Elementary students create art by the river with Paul Bennett

Monday, February 14, 2011

Two more schools involved

We are very excited to have two more schools join us at Ryan Ranch Wetland Restoration site this coming spring. The entire fifth grade at Miller Elementary will be working with the Upper Deschutes Watershed Council on three different hands-on projects. Including learning about the native and non-native vegetation in the meadow and around the Deschutes River, creating a mural depicting their perspective about the Deschutes River, and helping to create a short video about the environmental education work happening in Central Oregon, classes will discover Ryan Ranch in a variety of ways. The alternative school Chamberlain House will also be spending time at the site exploring Ryan Ranch and expressing what they have learned through creative art and poetry. It will be a fun start to spring!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Student fair features Ryan Ranch!

Many students that participated in the project were excited to share with their family and friends what they learned and discovered during multiple field days out at Ryan Ranch Wetland Restoration Site.
On January 27th, REALMS students were able to show off what they did at Ryan Ranch Wetland Restoration site. This past fall we had a blast during our days spent sitting near the Deschutes River, tromping around in the meadow and hiking in the forest. The students did a wonderful job collecting important data for the project that will be able to be used by future students. The student fair was packed with excited kids sharing their hard-earned work to their interested parents, family, and friends. The display included student drawings, writing, graphs and pictures that exemplified their hard work. Here is a part of one of the writings that was included, by Matthew Finney, a 7th grader:

 "Over a hundred years ago thousands of ranchers poured into Oregon bringing wave after wave of cattle after them. As they looked for fertile land they found wetlands that were naturally irrigated by the river around it.  In one of these areas, now called Ryan Ranch they built a huge levee to keep the river out of the would be pasture. It dried up and became the meadow we know today. Recently, the forest service has been developing a plan to restore the meadow to its former condition. The goal is being able to fulfill their long-term goal of maintaining a healthy ecosystem while educating about nature."
One of the many displays to show the work done by the 7th grade classes
 Now that spring is in our near future we are getting ready and excited for many more days out at Ryan Ranch. Stay tuned to more fun and educational opportunities that students will be experiencing out at Ryan Ranch.